This course builds on the previously introduced ideas in the philosophy of art and art analysis and seeks to deepen the relationship between theory and practice. Students will continue to analyse some of the major themes in contemporary critical theory which underpin the production, distribution and reception of practice in the arts, while searching for practical application to assigned studio tasks.
This course presents an overview of some of the theories and techniques that are used in the practice of art criticism within the contemporary period. Emphasis is placed on assisting students with articulating their own ideas about works of art being produced by themselves and their contemporaries. The course is therefore discussion driven and context focused. An important aspect of the conversations to be engaged in the course is the role of art criticism within the development of the visual arts industry and the students’ individual and collective artistic identities. This will be contextualised within discussions of the key stylistic trends in Jamaican art, the relationships between the visual arts and other artistic expressions in the global context and the extent to which art represents collective subjectivities.
This course introduces student to the rudiments of writing a research from data gathering,Preliminary Analysis and Finalization of research. Individual tutorials and occasional seminars on specific methodological problems assist students with the research, writing and presentation of the final research paper.
This Moodle Page has been created to attend to faculty needs re training for online delivery, as we continue to prepare for the coming semester.
The intent is to use the actual platform to improve our skills and learn more. The training first began in 2020, and session were held July 22 2020 to August 07 2020. It is anticipated that faculty will work here as well as prepare the actual course shells, we will be participants in each other's shells and can give meaningful and timely feedback.
The objectives are to:
- learn the various activities and explore those which can enhance the learning environment, to ensure exciting and dynamic engagements.
- match assignments, tasks and activities to the learning outcomes in the course outline
- to match teaching/learning strategies and mode of delivery to the course objectives
- to review and revise the curriculum as we explore the courses
By the end of the course we should
- have made relevant and necessary curriculum revisions as part of the curriculum review process
- have completed the semester plans for all our courses